Century Game Park Bison

Farm Tours

Due to poor spring weather, planting and harvest conditions; Century Game Park Regrets to Advise that we are unable to book any Farm tours at this time.

our sincere apologies

Let your imagination roam and experience what nomadic tribes witnessed long before the first Europeans set foot in the new land. Enjoy grazing Bison and Elk herds in prehistoric Drumlin hills and valleys worn down by retreating glaciers from the last Ice Age. Experience the presence of these ancient wild animals from one of the highest points in Northumberland County, some of the most beautiful scenery in Canada. Feel the "spirit" often referenced in folklore. Educators and students alike view the bison and capture the "old west" romance first hand.

Tour Schedule

All Tours MUST be Scheduled.
Please call 705- 924- 3019

The Tour Truck leaves yard, no later than 1 and a half hour before sunset. We will tour the farm until we make it to the top of the hill; one of the highest points in Trent Hills.

Surrounded by a herd of bison, in the safety of the tour truck, you will all have the opportunity to relax, 920 feet above sea level; as we watch the sun go down from the spectacular view overlooking Trent Hills.

Tour Pricing

Adults: $40   -   Youth: $20   -   Children: $5

Adults: $20   -   Youth: $10   -   Children: $5

Children under 5: Free

Please Note: Prices are subject to change without notice.

Map & Directions


Century Game Park is located on the corner of Gunnmow Road and 2nd Concession in Warkworth. (460 Concession 2W)